Articulate Storyline 360: Custom Drag and Drop Interactivity using Variables

Articulate Storyline 360: Custom Drag and Drop Interactivity using Variables

Of all the interactivities in the online course-ware development, Drag and Drop interactivity is used extensively since it creates learner engagement and retention. In this blog we will see how to create a drag and drop interactivity using variables in Articulate Storyline 360.

Step 1: Insert Drag and Drop slide from Convert to Freeform option under Insert menu.


Step 2: Add Drag and Drop objects in the form view.


Step 3: Create some layers for try again, Incorrect and correct.


Step 4: Create variables and set their value as their name and put them on screen between percentage symbols (%CodeName1%) to get the name.



Step 5: Follow the below settings for ease use of dragging and dropping the options.


Step 6: Publish and see the output.

s6With this customization, you can develop the best of drag and drop interactivities that provide custom elearning solutions to the learners. The effective integration of variables in Articulate Storyline 360 lets you to create comprehensive elearning courses.

Our Services: Flash to HTML5 Migration, eLearning Content Development, eLearning Service Provider

2 replies
  1. Mary K
    Mary K says:

    I’m currently working on a project in Articulate Storyline 360 that requires customized drag-and-drop interactions, and your article has provided me with the guidance I needed to make it happen. Thanks for sharing your knowledge!


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