
7 eLearning Development Tips for Health & Wellness Training

The World Health Organization (WHO) defines health as “a state of complete physical, mental, and social well-being, the absence of disease or infirmity.” Wellness is defined as “the optimal state of health of individuals and groups”. The words ‘health’ and ‘wellness’ are often used interchangeably.

Wellness can be considered as a subjective matter, and for this state to exist, both the body and mind are to be in the best state. To explain precisely, health is a state of being, and wellness is the state of living a healthy lifestyle. Health talks about mental, physical, and social well-being. Wellness aims to boost well-being.

A wellness lifestyle is an active process that you follow to achieve good health to lead a happy life. It is an ongoing activity that involves making choices that lead to a risk-free life. Health and wellness is achieved through a dynamic lifestyle, which includes various aspects, including self-reliance, physical fitness, nutrition awareness, stress management, and environmental sensitivity.

Eating healthy foods like vegetables and lean protein, maintaining an active lifestyle can greatly improve one’s health and well-being. Good eating and exercise habits are part of the procedure to achieve complete wellness. In addition, one must address the social, emotional, occupational and spiritual factors that affect one’s well-being. Maintaining health and wellness also includes handling important goals and making active changes in job and daily routine.

Here are some relaxation techniques for health and wellness:

  • Yoga: Yoga helps to balance the body and mind and reduces anxiety and stress. Doing Yoga increases flexibility, strength, balance, and physical stamina. As Yoga involves slow and steady movements with gentle stretching and deep breathing, it is the ideal way to relieve stress.
  • Music therapy: Music therapy is used to relax effects on physiological parameters such as heart rate, breathing, blood pressure, brain activity, galvanic skin response, hormone activity and immune response. It relieves muscles and causes relaxation.
  • Art Therapy: Art therapy involves drawing and creating art to relieve stress and getting involved in the creation of art. Getting in any art form keeps your mind away from the stress that worries you. So, when you get back to your schedule, you will be stress-free and can think and plan well.
  • Deep Breathing: It’s a simple but powerful way to relieve stress with music, aromatherapy, and yoga. You should take deep breaths from the abdomen, and have more oxygen in the inhaled air. Practice deep breathing either sitting or lying down. The technique of inhaling from the nose and exhaling from the mouth relieves stress.
  • Muscle Relaxation: This method helps you understand the difference between muscle tensions and relaxation. It is practiced by progressively tensing a single muscle group and then relaxing them, starting from the head to the toes.
  • Visualization: While imagining the visual journey, the sensation of smell, sound, sight, and touch can also be included. Visualize images that take you on a journey where you can enjoy blissful and peaceful ambience.
  • Autogenic Relaxation: Autogenic training is a relaxation technique that focuses on promoting a sense of calmness and relaxation to help reduce stress and anxiety in your body. When imagining a peaceful place, you should focus on slowing your breathing, lowering the heart rate, and relaxing each muscle one-by-one.

Here are seven important tips on eLearning content development for health and wellness training:

  1. Video-based Learning: Health and wellness information can be converted into video-based learning. Video based learning helps the audience gain knowledge and information about maintaining life with a balanced diet and mental and physical health exercise.
  2. Custom Learning: Custom learning delivers chunks of information with interactive, branching, and scenarios by using images on relevant content and evoking your learners to become aware of the subject.
  3. Micro Learning: In majority of the cases, audience may not be able to complete the whole course thoroughly. So, considering the constraints, it is ideal to provide content in the form of Micro Learning. It shortens the information and boosts up your training Health-related sessions, consume less time but is an effective and engaging approach. The regular, lengthy courses can be brought down to short courses. Your health and wellness information will be cut short to phrases, engaged with images, videos and audios, assessments, and so on.
  4. Simulation Learning: eLearning simulations can be of great help as you convert your videos into action slides, making use of clickable elements and hotspots. In the mode of simulation learning, your learner can foresee opportunities by applying skills, knowledge, and ideas in practice with the real world. This mode is quite suitable to the newly joined employees who can actively learn from the self-explanatory and interactive course videos, without seeking much outside support.
  5. Mobile Learning: With the growing technology, most of the users are now switching to mobile learning (M-learning) where your subject information on Health and wellness can spread across different communities through smartphones, tablets, laptops, and digital notebooks in an effective way.
  6. Virtual Learning: Virtual learning, in particular, delivers instruction to learners via computer software, the Internet, or both. Health and wellness tutorials can take place through online media such as online videos, chat rooms, e-mail, and video conferencing, going beyond the restrictions of time and place.
  7. Gamification Learning: Initiating gamification-based learning can help the learners get engaging content. The learners can add avatars, give a title slide to enter their name, and take part in the custom-designed and creative health game. To engage players, gamification tactics offer prizes for completing the desired activities or competitions. Information on health and nutrition, mental health and chronic condition information can be converted into gamified learning at ease.
2 replies
  1. Melinda
    Melinda says:

    As eLearning continues to evolve, I’m curious about integrating VR and AR into health and wellness training for immersive learning. Can you share insights on this?


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