How to Add Infant Characters in Animaker

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Adding infant characters to your eLearning content in Animaker is a straightforward and effective way to enhance engagement and make your videos more dynamic.

Animaker’s user-friendly platform and extensive character library make it easy to create custom eLearning materials that captivate your audience. Whether you’re designing educational content for parents, instructing children, or aiming to infuse heartwarming moments into your eLearning videos, infant characters in Animaker can help you achieve your creative and educational goals.

By incorporating these adorable baby characters, you can boost the appeal and effectiveness of your eLearning materials. These characters add a touch of charm and relatability, making your content more engaging for your learners.

Also, Animaker offers a wide range of customization options to create the perfect baby character for your needs. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to add infant characters in Animaker.

By the end of this guide, you’ll have the skills and confidence to create captivating infant characters that your audience will remember.

Let’s delve into the steps for adding infant characters to your videos:

Step 1: 

Open ‘Animaker’ in your web browser and login using your credentials.


Step 2: 

Click on the ‘Create’ tab in the left-side menu.


Step 3: 

Click on ‘Create a video’ from the options list.


Step 4: 

Click on ‘Create a blank project’ and then choose the video size.



Step 5: 

Select the ‘Character’ icon from the left side panel. Animaker Character Icon

Step 6: 

From the list of Characters, you can choose an infant character based on your requirements. If you’d like to explore more character options, simply click on ‘View all’.


All Infant Characters

Step 7: 

After adding the character to the slide, you can select the desired actions or expressions from the left-side panel.

Infant Actions

Added Infants


In conclusion, Animaker provides the tools and resources you need to seamlessly integrate infant characters into your eLearning content. This not only elevates the quality of your materials but also ensures that your audience remains captivated and motivated to learn.

So, why wait? Start exploring Animaker’s character library today and bring your eLearning content to life with these adorable infant characters, making your educational materials truly stand out.

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