Adobe Captivate 2017 Review: What’s New and Enhanced for Responsive Mobile Learning?

New Adobe Captivate 2017 Review
Adobe Captivate 2017 is released and I am excited to see what this new version has to offer to the eLearning world. With this new version, Adobe has opened the doors for smart and advanced eLearning authoring focusing on mobile learning courses & responsive eLearning design. This eLearning authoring tool lets eLearning Developer create responsive HTML5-based eLearning content without any programming knowledge.

Adobe Captivate 2017, the updated version of Adobe Captivate 9.0.1, can be a game changer as it comes with capabilities to:

  • Reduce eLearning development time with the innovative new Fluid Boxes
  • Transform legacy Adobe Captivate eLearning (desktop) courses into fully responsive eLearning content
  • Deliver engaging, interactive, multi-device eLearning content with no hassles

Adobe Captivate 2017 is now power-packed with lots of exciting new features, enhancements and functionalities like never before. As part of Adobe Captivate 2017 review, we will have a look at the new features and improvements of Adobe Captivate 2017 Release.

New Features of Adobe Captivate 2017

It includes:

  • Adobe Typekit Integration
  • Fluid Boxes
  • Transform legacy desktop-only courses into fully responsive modules
  • Device-specific previews
  • Responsive sliders
  • Responsive text support
  • Customizable closed captions
  • Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG) support

Enhanced Features of Adobe Captivate 2017

It includes:

  • Multiscreen responsive eLearning authoring
  • Responsive themes
  • Responsive Motion Effects without programming
  • Shared Advanced Actions

I will be covering the enhancements in the next blog. But for now, let’s have a closer look at my favorite brand-new features of Adobe Captivate 2017.

Fluid Boxes for True Responsive eLearning:

Creating responsive eLearning courses has never been so easy. With the introduction of Fluid Boxes, you don’t have to worry about the break points to see how your content looks on various devices.

The Fluid Boxes are containers that hold the objects (text and graphics) enabling you use the white space more intelligently. These Fluid Boxes logically resize or align the objects without the developer’s intervention to adjust breakpoints manually. This new feature saves a lot of time and efforts in eLearning development while creating true responsive eLearning experience.

Adobe Typekit Integration:

With the integration of Adobe Captivate with Typekit fonts, you don’t have to limit yourself to the web-safe fonts in your eLearning projects for HTML5 and responsive eLearning courses. This integration will help you access the beautiful fonts from the Typekit font library from the cloud. It provides an optimal and consistent viewing experience across any device ensuring your on-screen text always looks like the way it should be.

Convert legacy courses desktop-only into fully responsive eLearning:

Converting previously created legacy non-responsive Captivate eLearning course to fully responsive eLearning course is now a matter of clicks. Adobe Captivate 2017 comes with the ability to save existing Adobe Captivate eLearning courses as responsive mobile learning courses. Captivate applies the Fluid Boxes to intelligently rearrange and group the objects logically.

Device-Specific Previews and Responsive Slider:

Eliminate the guess work. Now you can use Device-specific previews along with the Responsive slider to see how your eLearning content looks on various devices before the final publish. Select the specific device from the preset device menu to see the output.

You can also drag the responsive slider at the top to see how the eLearning content aligns for varied screen sizes right away in the authoring environment. You can even make a custom size and add it to the list of Device-specific preview.


To conclude, Adobe Captivate 2017 simplifies and speeds up the responsive eLearning aka mobile learning to the next level. The new features and enhancements are worth the upgrade if you are looking for fully responsive eLearning courses aka mobile learning.

So Adobe Captivate 2017 authoring tool is not only intelligent by design but also efficient by nature. I will be covering a few more enhanced features of Captivate 2017 in the upcoming blog. Stay tuned to learn more!

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