Adobe Captivate 2019 can create online courses which can be viewed on a variety of devices, including desktops, iPads, and smartphones. Captivate 9’s newest feature allows you to publish your course as an Android/iOS app (App).
The eLearning courses can be published to HTML5, SWF, Video, Executable, App, Adobe Connect, and Captivate Prime, along with other formats.
Publish to Computer.
Publish to Devices (App).
Publish to Adobe Connect.
Publish to Adobe Captivate Prime.
1. Publish to Computer:
We have three choices in this category – HTML5 / SWF, Video, Executable.
Let’s look at all the fields in detail.
Project Title: Enter the project name in the Project Title area.
Location: Select the desired folder location where you want to publish the course.
Zip Files: When you need to export a single output file to upload to a Learning Management System, this option can be used.
Fullscreen: If you choose Fullscreen, the published output will be shown on the full screen.
Export PDF: If you want to save the course as a PDF, select the option “Export PDF”. When a learner does not have access to the Flash Player in their browser, this choice is useful for sharing content through email or other means.
Force re-publish on all slides: For Example, you have created a project and published the output. If you make a change to a slide after a certain amount of time has passed and want to publish all of the slides (even if you only made changes to one), select “Force Re-Publish All the Slides.”
Scalable HTML content: The published SWF will always be resized according to the browser’s size if you select the Scalable HTML content option.
Seamless Tabbing: If only Internet Explorer is used, the eLearning course will be delivered in a seamless manner.
Resolution: The course dimension is shown.
Slides: The total number of slides in a project will be shown.
Slides with Audio: How many slides in the project have audio will be shown.
Audio Settings: By clicking the Custom connection, you can edit the audio. Until publishing, you should adjust the audio quality.|
Display Score: If there are any assessments in this project, this choice appears as “yes”. Analyze the options and select only those that are required.
Mobile Gestures: The Mobile Palette window will appear on your computer when you choose Mobile Gestures. On mobile devices, you can choose to play or pause the course or video by selecting this option. We can switch the slide to the right or left using navigation.
Geolocation: If you want to monitor the learner’s location, check this box.
Size and Quality: By dragging the slider to the ‘Custom’ choice, we can change the image context, audio, JPEG image, and SWF file quality.
Accessibility: You can create output that is compliant with Section 508 for users who have visual or hearing impairments, mobility impairments, or other types of disabilities.
eLearning Output:
Choose eLearning Output if you want to publish the course to an LMS. When you allow reporting for this project, it will show you a list of standard LMSs from which to choose; you’ll see Moodle, Internal Server, and other hosting platforms among them.
Choose a regular LMS from the list, such as SCORM 1.2, SCORM 2004, AICC, or xAPI.
Enter the course identifier, title, and definition that the LMS will use for reporting in the manifest. Make sure there are no spaces in the course identifier.
Status Representation: Incomplete — > Complete
Whenever a learner begins a course, the status in the LMS is Incomplete. The learner’s status changes to Complete once the course is finished.
Incomplete — > Passed/Failed
If the learner Exits the course without completing it, it will be marked as Incomplete. The learner’s status will be shown as Pass or Fail if they complete all of the slides and the final quiz.
Success/Completion criteria:
In this category, we have two views – User Access and Slide views and/or quiz.
In Slide View, you can set the completion criterion to 100% or enter the number of slides the learner should complete in the course.
In Quiz field you can find three options
Quiz is attempted.
Quiz is passed.
Quiz is passed or the quiz attempt limit is reached.
Data To Report:
If we select Percentage then the result might be shown as a percentage or a number of points.
Output Format:
We have two options for output here: SWF and HTML5. You have the option of selecting both or any of the options.
HTML5 is the most recent version of the “Hypertext Markup Language,” which is used to build web pages. By converting your courses to HTML5, you can keep all of your content in one place and when we publish a course in HTML, it will open on an iPad or other mobile device.
Creating vector graphics and 2D animation uses SWF format. When we publish a course in SWF, it will open on PCs.
2. Publish to Devices (App).
This is a new feature that allows you to publish to iOS, Android, and Windows 8.
iOS, Android:
You can generate a new login ID by clicking the blue Register connection if you don’t have an account.
Click the Login button after entering your username and password.
Windows 8:
If your course has a certificate, click Create Certificate and then publish it.
3. Publish to Adobe Connect: You can also upload source files and any external FLV files to the server in addition to the SWF file. You can also save the project as a single zip file and upload it.
1. Click Publish to Adobe Connect from the Toolbar.
2. Click the “folder” icon in Publish to Adobe Connect dialog box
3. Click Add in the Adobe Connect Server dialog box to enter the name and URL of Adobe Connect Server and click OK.
4. In the Adobe Connect Server dialog box, click Add and then OK to enter the name and URL of Adobe Connect Server.
5. Select the options in the Publish dialog box as required.
Publish Project Files (*.cptx) – The source file is uploaded to the server.
Zip Project File – All the published files are uploaded to the server as a single zip file.
Publish Video Files (*.flv) – Publishes any video files that you have imported into the Adobe Captivate project.
SWF – Publish the project as an SWF file.
HTML5 – Publish the project as an HTML5 output.
Set your preferences by clicking “More”.
Then click the Publish button.
6. In the Adobe Connect window, enter your login credentials.
7. Create a folder where you want to upload the project file by clicking New Folder. Alternatively, you can choose from the list of any current folders.
8. Click Publish To This Folder.
9. In the Adobe Connect Server window, enter a name for your project in the Title field.
10. Enter a name in the Custom URL area if you want to change the project’s URL.
11. Create an identity for your project and a definition of it. Select the language in which your project was published. Click the Finish button to complete the task.
You can make the content a part of an existing course or create a new course after you’ve uploaded it to Adobe Connect.
4. Publish to Adobe Captivate Prime:
Adobe Captivate Prime is a full-featured LMS (Learning Management System) that keeps the learner first and lets you monitor your learning environment.
To review your course in Adobe Captivate Prime, you must first create a new account and then publish it. An administrator can add participants, an author can develop training modules and courses, team members can manage their teams, provide input after the training is completed, and monitor them in this system. Courses allocated to learners are accessible to them.
1. Go to Publish and select Publish to Adobe Captivate Prime to open the Publish to Adobe Captivate Prime dialog box.
2. If you don’t have a Captivate Prime account, the Setup/Retrieve Captivate Prime Account option is displayed in the Account dropdown.
3. In the Account dropdown, if you already have a Captivate Prime account, it will be shown.