Articulate 360 Rise: Creating Mobile Learning Apps For Micro-Learning

Convert Articulate Rise eLearning courses to Android Apps

Rise is one of the best online authoring tools to create responsive eLearning courses and provides flexibility to convert them into mobile learning apps as part of micro-learning strategy.

Why an App for eLearning?

Smartphones and their apps have become an integral part of our lives. In this smartphone era, mobile learning or mLearning is now a hot trend in the eLearning industry as it supports learning anywhere and anytime. Most of the organizations have already started implementing “Bring Your Own Device” or “BYOD” policy as part of corporate learning. A mobile learning app is designed especially for bite-sized learning / micro-learning; whenever a learner needs just-in-time information. These mobile learning apps enable learner to access the content without any internet connection.

Mobile Learning is the future of eLearning. So, it is the right time to convert your eLearning courses into mobile learning smartphone apps.

Where to build an eLearning course that can be converted into an App?

Well, any authoring tool that gives out a HTML5 output will work.

The good news – Almost every eLearning authoring tool available in the market supports HTML5 output. For example:

  • Lectora Inspire
  • Adobe Captivate
  • Articulate Storyline
  • Adapt
  • Elucidat
  • Articulate 360 Rise*

Why did I pick Articulate Rise?

Articulate Rise, the most awaited online authoring tool, launched by Articulate recently. It provides flexibility to create fully responsive eLearning courses with HTML5 output that works and looks great on all devices – multi-device learning.

For more information on Articulate Rise, you can refer to our blog that talks exclusively about Rise and its features.

Our Blog – What is Articulate 360 – Rise?

Things I Love About Rise:

  • Fully responsive and mobile friendly
  • No installation required
  • Easy export options
  • Beautiful design
  • Multi-device support
  • No programming knowledge required

How to Convert Articulate Rise eLearning Output into an Android App?

It’s simple. Follow these steps.

Step 1

Create an eLearning course in Articulate Rise.

Step 1: Articulate 360 Rise

Step 2

Download or export the published content as a zip file and unzip it.

Step 2 Published content

Step 3

Next, design application icons for different device screen resolutions. You may go to online icon generators to create some wonderful icons.

Step 3: Application icon

Step 4

Add the app icon variations and a simple config.xml file to the downloaded Articulate Rise publish output.

Step 4: Icon Variations

Step 5

Now zip the content and upload it to PhoneGap Build and compile.

Step 5: Uploading to PhoneGap

Step 6

Download and install the app on your Android device.

Step 7

Run the app. Your mobile learning app is ready.

Step 7: Running Articulate Rise app in mobile

Articulate Rise makes your job easy while creating responsive eLearning mobile apps. Hope you find this blog useful. Please do share it on LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook.

Our Services: eLearning Company, Custom eLearning Development, Flash to HTML5 Conversion Services

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