Soon Elearning Will Be A Thing of the Past!

Soon_elearning_will_be_a_ thing_of_the_past

I am sure your pupils must have been dilated.

Yes of course, if not soon but little later, we may be reading the demise story of eLearning. Yes, it’s sadly true – eLearning is losing its glory, big time! But, do you know – what factors might have contributed to its demise?

My recent interactions with industry experts from different parts of the world has made me write about the increasing negative perception on eLearning effectiveness. It is natural that if anything loses its efficacy will be losing its demand and one day becomes the thing of the past.

I associate the major damaging factors for eLearning in future with “lack of innovative solutions and squandering quality standards.”

Recent studies on eLearning courses being developed and own eLearning vendor management experiences suggest that the dynamics causing this setback is the surge of new breed of eLearning service provider companies and freelancers. Generally, the more number of suppliers bring more competitive efficiency, but this positive development has a chick; the incompetency. Majority of the elearning suppliers lag behind in proper implementations of Section 508, mLearning, micro learning, SCORM etc. and handling issues related to elearning course deployment on LMS.

The significant percentage of eLearning vendors group is failing to deliver effective learning solutions. Developing effective learning solutions is not something like space exploration which very few institutions can or has developed capability in. It is the curiosity culture of organization that drive the exploration of different possibilities. But many eLearning service providers do not follow a holistic approach in eLearning development.

Our Value Proposition

‘Try the new – an assigned task’ – This approach has been proved as one of the major innovations of the organization in 2016. The difference in ‘Try the new’ approach is that it will be an assigned task to everyone working in the organization. Everyone irrespective of their departments has to try something new in eLearning courseware development – every week. The ‘new’ could be their new ideas or adopted from others for the first time in the organization.

Following are the major areas we worked on:

Finally, I would like to suggest the same mantra – “have the curiosity to find new that add value to the present.”

Click the below button to gain access to our free responsive eLearning course.

Free Interactive eLearning Course

Our Services: eLearning Vendor, eLearning Solutions Company, Powerpoint to eLearning

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