Elucidat Multilingual Project: Convert Your eLearning Content Into Multiple Languages

Elucidat How To Make Multi-Lingual Elearning Content

In Elucidat authoring tool, before creating a multilingual project, convert your project to a master course. Because the changes incorporated in the master course will be applied to the child projects. But the changes applied in the child projects will not be reflected in the master course.

Let’s look at the steps to translate the elearning course in multiple languages:

  • First, open the course and click on Variations Manager to convert the current course as a master course


  • Then, click on Convert Project to Master Course
  • Next, click on Export Translation to export the content from the current project.
  • Then, choose one of the options to export the translation and click Download.

Here, you can see two file formats; XLIFF 1.2 and CSV in which you need to download the translation file.

  • XLIFF file format is the format in which translation can be done by using third party tools that are available in Google.
  • CSV file format is the format in which you need to send it to a translator to translate your content manually.

For example, select the option XLIFF format.

  • Once you get your translation file from your translator, upload the file in the project. To do so, click on Make New Variations.
  • A popup New Variations will open, then, click on Upload Translation Files.
  • This will open your local window to upload your translated files. Choose the files and click on Create Variations.
  • There you can see your variations.

This way you can convert your eLearning content into multiple languages to localize the course in well-organized way that learners make the most use of it. This method saves the developer’s time and shows great impact on your ROI.

Our Services: Powerpoint to eLearning, Flash to HTML5 Migration, eLearning Service Provider

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