How Important Is Localizing Your Elearning Content For Sales And Marketing Team

How important is localizing eLearning content for sales and marketing

In a broader way, eLearning localization is understood as translating eLearning content into the language of the new target audience. However, the overall eLearning localization process, in fact, goes beyond translation as it includes handling different subtle aspects such as:

  • written content,
  • colors,
  • graphics,
  • fonts,
  • interface controls,
  • symbols,
  • currencies,
  • units of measurements,
  • audio,
  • video,
  • narrative tone,
  • learning approaches,
  • idioms and phrases,
  • abbreviations,
  • cultural references and
  • region-specific nuances

To put it precisely, eLearning localization includes translating and adapting training content to the targeted culture and language. The real challenge in localizing your eLearning course would be to make it understandable to the learner while maintaining it culturally suitable. On the other hand, learning in one’s mother tongue helps a learner understand the content comparatively in a better way. As a result, with eLearning localization, there is scope for learners to gain more access to multiple eLearning courses.

But, how is localization beneficial to the organization in terms of sales and marketing? Let us look at this aspect closely to find out the facts.

  1. Increases the learner base – Worldwide.

    In the post information technology era, globalization has provided the opportunity across the countries to expand their products and services into every other nation and culture. In this context, eLearning localization helps the content providers reach their target learners in different countries – in their own language and with the subtle learning approach they prefer. Localization of eLearning courses would certainly augment the learner base, throughout the world.
    As a result, you have an opportunity to enhance your profits through eLearning development. In fact, the broader your eLearning market becomes by reaching diversified target audiences into various languages across the world, the better would be the profits. This would certainly be more beneficial rather than just sticking to gaining revenue from the original English courses. You can expand your business to numerous other profitable regions for your revenue growth through localizing your courses.
    One additional advantage of localization is – if the learners are satisfied with the localized course they have studied, they might ask for more such courses or pay attention to your eLearning product offerings. This way, the learner base would expand.

  2. Number of target markets would increase.

    Among the Internet users, a major percentage of people use non-English as their medium of communication. English is not the first language for many internet users. Across the world, only 1.5 billion people speak English which is around 20% of the total world population. It indicates that the courses made in English can reach only 20% of the target audience. The remaining 80% of the world population is still a potential market for the eLearning courses. Because of this reason, there is a huge scope and requirement to cover the remaining large portion of online learners with eLearning courses. In this aspect, there is no better solution than eLearning localization.
    Sky is the limit for the number of target audience across different world languages one can reach out. You can penetrate every nook and corner of the world, choosing the target learners and to provide eLearning courses in their local languages. With every possible approach for localization, the number of target markets for the eLearning courses would increase.

  3. Your eLearning brand value goes up – globally.

    For so many years, you have been sticking to your regular English-speaking clients. Your client-base has been same for many years. Imagine, if you expand your business into other regions where your eLearning content is localized into multiple other languages, your company’s brand value increases as an international eLearning company with global presence. Increased brand image across the world can bring new customers for your products and services. Customers respect your commitment in representing their language and cultural norms in your courses which makes them stick to your brand. So, localizing your eLearning course into multiple languages is nothing but globalizing your brand to a great extent.

  4. Saves production cost for new localization sales.

    Though it sounds obvious, it has its profitable impact on the company’s revenue. Imagine that you develop a course in English for a particular target learners. For this, you spend certain amount of money on the course development. If you need to develop similar course again for another client, you would incur development expenses again. But, in case of localization, the eLearning development cost will be reduced. You would incur only the translation charges. But, the revenue you get would be like that of a brand new course from the localized client.
    Similarly, when you are not in a position to develop new training programs in English, you can better target the un-exposed target learners from different languages across the world and localize the selected courses and market to them. This way, you can generate localization revenue without spending large amounts of money on developing new English courses.
    Moreover, you can utilize the resources in an optimized way if you go for localization. You can save considerable time, money and effort. As localization effort is much less compared to the effort where an entire new course is developed afresh. This way, localization proves to be much cost-effective in comparison with building brand new content.

  5. Localization is the emerging trend in eLearning.

    Due to the established Internet technologies, the world has become a real global village. With online accessibility increasing day by day, people across the world are ready to grab the learning opportunities. If this scenario is best utilized and training programs are created using localization, it would help millions of learners access eLearning content online in their mother tongue.
    This is already evident in terms of TV telecast as TV shows are available in multiple languages. When viewers watch a program, they set their mother tongue on the remote control and watch the program delightfully. The idea of a course available in multiple languages (with a drop-down list) would gain the support of the learners from different languages across the globe. If eLearning localization facility emerges to such a level, content developers would certainly augment their sales to a great extent.

Case Study: Translation and Localisation of Cyber Security Training Course in 12 Languages

One of our clients from Canada dealing with Financial Services was looking for development of an eLearning course on Cyber Security.


The requirement was to develop and translate a Cyber Security Training program into 12 languages listed below:

  • Spanish
  • French
  • Portuguese
  • Czech
  • Dutch
  • Finnish
  • German
  • Arabic
  • Hebrew
  • Vietnamese
  • Chinese simplified
  • Chinese Traditional


  • The client expect the output for all the languages to be in a single SCORM file.
  • The text translated by vendors has to be accurate, avoiding any iterations.
  • The Project had a short timeline.

Our Solution:

The ILT material provided by the client was first assessed by our Instructional designers and Visualization team to list down any queries and challenges.

We proposed to develop the English version and once it is signed-off, then translate it to other languages.

Key features or enhancements:

The users can select any preferred language through language selection option to access the course.

Project Deliverables:

  • Total number of Languages: 12 languages + English.
  • Total duration of a module was 45 minutes.

Project Delivery:

  • With our eLearning translation services, we were able to deliver all the courses (12 languages) in 8 weeks.
  • We dedicated a team of Developers, Quality check and Project manager to meet the timeline.

Our Services: Rapid eLearning Solutions, Custom eLearning, Convert PPT to eLearning

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