E-Learning Course Design in Storytelling Method

E-Learning Has Gained Momentum E-Learning is a reality in our time rather than a fleeting fad, because, human life has become pushy and fast. Virtually everybody is facing lack of time to attend the various chores of life and consequently, a good section has started to rely on online resources for solving their various requirements. […]

HTML5 is an Effective Authoring Tool

HTML5 Has Boosted E-Learning Industry The advent of HTML5 which is one of the most recent E-Learning authoring tools is indeed a boost to the eLearning industry and has created an overall easiness to the process of designing eLearning courses. The most enticing feature of HTML5 is that you don’t have to be an expert […]

Is it Necessary to Implement Blended Learning?

Corporate training programs have been implemented by most companies as a matter of investment. But, with technology advancing at such a rapid rate, it is not enough if you just leave all the training sessions in to just classroom training. It may not fulfil all the goals completely. Today, we see BYOD, next generation cloud […]

Designing Blended Learning Solutions through LMS

What is a Learning Management System (LMS)? LMS is a software application through which the diverse phases of E-learning processes such as delivering, recording, administering, tracking, and monitoring can be controlled effectively. During the initial time, Learning Management System was just intended to handle the basic training delivery and the tracking arrangements which many of […]

E-Learning E-Templates are current trend?

Rapid e-learning courseware development is a current trend; the demand and the keyword for ultra-rapid is in near future. It is difficult to guess the relationship between increase in e-learning demand and no. of developers; but one is for sure that the demand is for lesser time and cost with better quality are up. It […]

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