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In this tutorial, I have explained how you can create engaging interactions using slide layers in detail with an example.

Hello and welcome back to the third section of Articulate Storyline training series.

In the previous video we have seen, “Choosing Navigation Controls and player features” for individual slides. In this video we will learn about “slide layers” in detail. So let’s begin by understanding what layers are in storyline.

Generally, when you create a new slide in storyline, a base layer is created by default and this base layer will allow you to insert objects like Shapes, Text, Pictures, Audios, etc.

This base layer has its own timeline where you can see all the objects placed in it. It also have its own triggers panel as well. Base layer is good enough when you want to create a simple slide like this with some text, pictures and animations. But, as you progress with the e-learning development, you will reach a point where you need to keep the learners engaged by adding complex interactions to the course.

Let’s take a look at this slide for instance. This is an interactive slide, where learners are supposed to click on each tab. It could be difficult to create such interactions using just the base layer. But can be easily achieved using slide layers along with the base layer

Using layers is an efficient way to create engaging interactions. Layers allow us to display content conditionally, or based on user interaction, or at specific time interval. Similar to the base layer, every slide layer has its own frame, timeline and triggers panel allowing us to place content that needs to be displayed conditionally.

Each layer also has its own properties section. You can access these layer properties by selecting a layer and then click on this settings icon. You can also right click on a layer and select properties. We will learn more about these layer properties in the coming lectures.

In the next video we will see, how to add, duplicate and, delete these slide layers.

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